EXPENDITURES 2013 - 2022

















































The amount spent on the listed facility in the given year.


The percentage of the amount spent on the listed facility relative to all expenditures for that year.


The amount allocated to the facility. (Alloc% * annual allocation)


The percentage of the annual allocation reserved for the facility.

Main Fund

The main fund is directed at funding the elementary schools, parks, libraries, police station and fire stations listed on the How Fowla Works page.

Middle School Fund

The middle school fund provided $50,000 to both Emerson and Palms middle school per year for five years (2016-2020).

Annual Allocation

The guaranteed amount allocated to facilities each year. (See How Fowla Works)


  • Facilities are not required to use their entire allocation each year.  Amounts carry over to subsequent years.  Police & Fire are allowed to exceed their available funds by 50% of the annual allocation.
  • Some facilities raise funds into Fowla and therefore expenditures may exceed allocations.