California Country Club HA, LAFD Station 43
On behalf of FOWLA, California Country Clubs Homeowners Association president Allyson Saunders presented LAFD Station 43 with a new rug cleaner so they can keep the station in perfect shape. Thanks to CCCHA for facilitating the contribution.
Cheviot Hills HOA, Fire Stations, LAFD Station 92
FOWLA was proud to have administered a Cheviot Hills Neighborhood Watch contribution to LAFD Station 92. CHNW raised funds towards new carpeting for the station and a new speaker system for the station kitchen. Seen here: Capt. Nielsen of Station...
California Country Club HA, Castle Heights Elementary, Cheviot Hills HOA, Schools
FOWLA was pleased to contribute $4,498.26 as a supplemental contribution to Castle Heights Elementary today at their (awesome) Fall Festival. This brings FOWLA’s two-year running total to 79,655.56 for Castle Heights elementary. Castle Heights Elementary became...
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